Mid June Update log

Hey its about halfway through June so I figured I'd give you all an update for what's happening with the VN

I've been taking a break from programming the game for two reasons: Generating sprites for the next growth sequences before the end of the current act of the story, and second needing a break to prevent burnout

Rest assured this game isn't abandoned I am still working on it I just been busy IRL so I haven't been able to get enough done to justify an official update to the game that would be worth posting

Don't worry the next update should be ready by end of the month or early July. It will include two more growth sequences and close out the current act.

After that update I plan on backtracking to earlier parts of the story to extend it and try to make it feel like more time is passing between growth sequences (Make it flow more naturally rather than character grows, then later that day they grow again)


BandicootTesting0.65-0.65-pc.zip 269 MB
May 30, 2024
BandicootTesting0.65-0.65-mac.zip 263 MB
May 30, 2024
BandicootTesting0.65-0.65-web.zip 274 MB
May 30, 2024

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