0.3 Release

0.3 is launched here is the changelog

Old content changes

Some more minor rewrites in early stages

Slight sprite quality improvements

Added visual "Growing" effects during all growth sequences

Sprites should now face the correct way when talking to somebody

More sprites/outfits added for everyone

New content changes for 0.3

When presented with the choice at the end of 0.2 the only complete path should be obvious before a choice is made

EVERYONE gets bigger! Every main character will be at their second size by the end of the playable content & most will have a growth sequence to go along with it (Megumi is the only one who won't have a sequence until her next growth spurt due to her first stage happening off screen)

Another Cameo character makes an appearance,

To do for update 0.4

Finish second path + Introduce other cameo character(s) in that path

Where is Crash Bandicoot?

Begin work on events taking place after split path

Fix any lingering issues with earlier builds & make more general improvements

Another growth spurt?

Get Bandicoot Nitro Growth (FMG)

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